Acts 9 - Friday 14th February
Today’s chapter is Acts 9
Tom writes:
The production of a music album and listening to that music album are very different things. We can listen with a single click, getting a blended sound that is clean and clear. Reading back on Saul’s conversion feels like listening to an album. A single clear narrative comes through in a clean and easy way. A great apostle is turned from terrorist to teacher with the flash of a light. The mission to the Gentiles is born! I used to think that if Holy Spirit was producing an album of God’s glory, being part of it would seem straight forward, unambiguous; obvious even. But look at how messy this whole thing is. In this chapter there are so many bit-parts all working away in slightly confused acts of obedience. Many of them were oblivious to how they were contributing to the mega-riff of God’s glorification. The companions of Saul were speechless and confused. Ananias was confused. The synagogue attendees were confused. The Jerusalem believers were confused. Saul himself was probably baffled as he bounced from blindness to escaping in a basket to being bundled out of Jerusalem. It feels like the PA cables all over the floor, the guys in dark T-shirts scuttling around plugging things in and multiple musicians stopping and starting their inputs as per the direction of the producer.
A huge help to my discipleship has been to learn of the confusion and messiness - the lack of clarity or “big picture vision” - that lingers around the production of Holy Spirit’s creations. Obedience in the midst of ambiguity is what Jesus uses best. Holy Spirit works in the mess. Saul was Jesus’ chosen instrument to carry his name to the Gentiles and their Kings. But he spent years being bundled around different bunches of the brothers with very little to show for it. You are also Jesus’ chosen instrument to carry his name. Holy Spirit will blend beauty and glory through your life if you just stay obedient, if you keep trusting and keep doing what he asks. It might feel all over the place right now but one day - in the Coming Kingdom, or perhaps before - you will be able to look back and, with a single click, hear the clean and clear anthem of Jesus’ glory that Holy Spirit has produced in your life.
Question for reflection
Amid mess and confusion can you see the hand of God in your life? What is he producing in you?
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