Luke 11 - Wednesday 15th January

Today’s chapter is Luke 11

Tom writes:

How do we, as followers of the King, access the power of the King? What is your answer to it? Some try suits and smoke machines, some shouting or total spontaneity. Many of us just copy what the latest “power church” seems to be doing. And most of us - if we are honest - lack power. This is what many have called “the open secret of the Western church”. It seems to me like it is time for a change? When Jesus cast out those demons he was flagging up to everyone that God has got the devil licked. God’s finger - just his finger! - could bind the Strong Man and plunder all his house. So when, in this context,  Jesus told us all to pray “your Kingdom come” he showed us all that we can - with our wrinkly, grubby and very puny fingers - somehow act with the finger of God. He showed us that when we ask for the Kingdom to come we should expect to overcome the devil and divide up all his plunder. What this actually means is that the power is in his Presence. We access the power through simply and repeatedly coming to the One who owns the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and for ever and forever. God’s Power is accessed through humble requests made direct to the loving Father. The Power is in God’s Presence. It is as straightforward as that. This is the true story of grace.

Now before you check out thinking “I’ve tried that”, it is worth also looking at what Jesus says about “the lamp of the body”. What this seems to imply is that the power grows stronger in us as the presence goes deeper in us. The kind of prayer Jesus is advocating is formed by the kind of “hearing” that he advocated in chapter 10. Anyone, anywhere, can see the power flow through them when they allow the presence and priority of God to fill them and redefine them. And part of the priority of God - part of “lived prayer” is to plunder the Devil’s house. And so, next time you have a chance to minister in the power of the Kingdom - take it. And as you stand with a hand on a shoulder remind yourself whose hand is with your hand. Look for the finger of God and release the power that His Finger carries. Don’t use a strange voice, or shout or doubt, don’t even think about yourself at all. Just fix your eyes on Jesus - on His Presence - and do what you think he wants you to do; say what you think he wants you to say. And, while it might take time to learn it, even as you begin, you will see the power of God dividing up plunder between you and the person you pray for.

Question for reflection

How could you increase the number of people you lay your hands on and pray for?


Luke 12 - Thursday 16th January


Luke 10 - Tuesday 14th January