Revelation 22 - Friday 27th December

Today’s chapter is Revelation 22

Tom writes:

The Fall is overcome. The river of life flows. The City and its inhabitants experience something loftier than the heights of Eden. There is a throne and everyone is sitting on it. And they will reign for ever and ever without a pesky snake coming and wrecking it all up. Now there is no night or any temple because God is to be encountered everywhere, in every way, all the time. So unspeakably brilliant is this vision, so nostril-flaringly outstanding is this sight that John - even John who saw the transfigured Jesus and who ate the broiled fish with the risen Christ - even John can’t help himself but fling his whole being down onto the dust and physically express his utter unworthiness to be around it.  I can’t remember the last time I felt such a depth of astonishment and conviction.  I end this journey with a similar sense of trepidation to that with which I started it, except now I feel more aware of the sheer inadequacy of my knowledge, the meagre extent of my faith.  This Jesus who I love, this Jesus who in my worst moment I feel I fully know - this Jesus is the same one who gave this vision to John.  This Jesus is the same one who is called the Root, the Offspring of David and the Bright Morning Star.  This Jesus has shown me Himself - he really, truly has - and so far all I’ve been able to look at is the nail of his little toe. 

What I’ve seen has been amazing.  What I’ve seen nearly brings me to tears right now in this seat and yet it is just a whiff.  It is just a tiny fragment of gold compared to all of Fort Knox.  But there will be a day when I see it all.  I pray I will keep seeing more and more until that day comes.  But there will be a day when Jesus will come, where Jesus will come and claim his own and will reward for what’s been done.  And then I will see him as he is.  Then his whole phenomenal, beyond-ordinary, beyond-temporary, beyond-constraint body will be unveiled before me.  And I will fall face down and I will eat the dust.  I can’t wait for that day.  Please come, Lord Jesus.

Question for reflection

What things has Jesus shown you in this journey through the New Testament?


Episode 52 : Revelation 20-22


Revelation 21 - Thursday 26th December